¡Bienvenidos! Welcome!
CONEXIONES was established in 2000 as a response to the needs of Hispanic/Latino children in Howard County schools. To meet these needs, CONEXIONES has initiated a number of programs to provide assistance and support to encourage students to complete high school, to consider higher education opportunities, and to be successful in their career choices. CONEXIONES has been an advocate for changes in the policies, practices, and personnel of the Howard County Public School System, for the purpose of improving the performance and the educational outcomes for Hispanic students. Dr. Murray Simon served as its first president from its inception until 2007. See a more detailed history of Conexiones.
The mission of CONEXIONES is:
- To ensure that every Hispanic student in Howard County will complete high school and will continue in productive and satisfying directions.
- To develop partnerships with schools, community organizations, businesses, community leaders and parents to provide comprehensive programs to advance the leadership capabilities and educational achievement of Howard County Hispanic youth.
2024 Conexiones Annual Senior Awards
Conexiones is excited to announce the continuation of the Annual Senior Awards for the 2024 graduating class. Conexiones will award four scholarships to recognize Hispanic/Latino graduating seniors from the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS).
Who is Eligible?
Hispanic/Latino seniors in Howard County Public High Schools who will be graduating in May 2024 with a minimum cumulative weighted GPA of 3.5.
The awards will be the following:
- Women’s Giving Circle Leadership Award (2) - $1,000 each
- Conexiones Excellence Award (2) - $500 each
- Completed application
- Essay
- Copy of senior year 1st quarter and 2nd quarter report card
How to apply:
You can apply online at https://forms.gle/pypg9KajoEqQY72K6
The application deadline is 11:59 pm on Monday, April 22nd, 2024.
Conexiones se complace en anunciar los Premios Anuales 2024 para reconocer a los estudiantes hispanos/latinos que se gradúan del Sistema de Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Howard (HCPSS).
¿Quién puede solicitar?
Estudiantes hispanos/latinos del último año en las escuelas secundarias públicas del condado de Howard que se graduarán en mayo de 2024 con un GPA ponderado acumulativo mínimo de 3.5.
Los premios serán los siguientes:
- Premio al Liderazgo del Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County x (2) - $1,000 cada uno
- Premio a la Excelencia Conexiones (2) - $500 cada uno
- Solicitud completa
- Ensayo
- Copia de las calificaciones del primer y segundo trimestre del último año
¿Cómo presentar una solicitud?
Puede presentar su solicitud en línea en https://forms.gle/pypg9KajoEqQY72K6
La fecha límite de solicitud es el lunes, 22 de abril del 2024 a las 11:59 p. m.
Maryland State Financial Aid Application (MSFAA)
Qualified children of undocumented immigrants who are eligible for in-state tuition under 15-106.8 of the MD Education Article are eligible to apply for various state financial aid grants and scholarships. For more information click here.
MSFAA User Guide
Who should complete the Maryland State Financial Aid Application (MSFAA)?
The MSFAA is available to applicants who are ineligible to receive federal aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The MSFAA allows qualified children of undocumented immigrants, who qualify for in-state tuition under 15-106.8 of the MD Education Article, to apply and be considered for certain types of State need-based financial aid, such as the: Howard P. Rawlings Educational Excellence Awards Program, the Part-Time Grant, the Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship, and the Richard W. Collins III Leadership with Honor Scholarship.
Past Conexiones Events
May 2023
CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of the Conexiones Women's Leadership Awards and the Conexiones Excellence Awards!
This year Conexiones selected 4 accomplished seniors to receive the
Women’s Giving Circle Leadership Award (2) and Conexiones Excellence Award (2).
The students come from the following high schools: Marriots Ridge, Oakland Mills, Hammond, and Howard.
We want to acknowledge all who participated and submitted an application; you are all talented, hard workers and we wish you all success in your future endeavors!

On October 7th, 2019 Howard County Council presented an Honorary Resolution for Hispanic Heritage month. Conexiones was present along with FIRN, Friends of Latin America, and Centennial High School's Latin American Council. We thank the Howard County Council for this recognition.

On January 31, 2019 Conexiones testified at the Board of Education budget hearing advocating for funding that supports Latino students. Part of our remarks included the following:
Hispanic students are the fastest growing group in the Howard County Public School System, and they also make up the largest percentage of students that receive FARMs. The performance of Hispanic students has a tremendous impact on our community and our schools. Neither can succeed if all of our students do not.
To build an environment of high achievement, we believe it is essential to create an environment of high academic expectations. To that end, we ask that you:
Identify and work with every student at risk of dropping out or not graduating.
Promote increased participation of Hispanic students in the gifted and talented program, and in advanced placement courses.
Approve the two Hispanic Achievement Liaison positions in the Superintendent's 2020 proposed budget. The Hispanic Achievement Liaisons are critical to the effectiveness of the schools in their efforts to engage Hispanic students and their families. They work with the staff, students, and families, to reduce socioeconomic, cultural, and language barriers.
Through your approval of this budget and future budgets, we ask that you allow staffing of the Hispanic Achievement Program to keep up with the growth of the Hispanic student population so that our Hispanic students have an equitable opportunity to succeed.
Excitement and learning with Governor Hogan at the Hispanic STEM Festival!
Wilde Lake Middle School, November 4th, 2017.

Centennial High School
May 2017

Long Reach High School
May 2015
May 5, 2015, several hundred people gathered in the auditorium of Long Reach High School to celebrate the accomplishments of 85 soon-to-be high school graduates. These aren't just any students; they are 85 of Howard County's accomplished, intelligent driven Hispanics who have been recognized for their dedication to academics, serving the community and overcoming life obstacles. This year students from each of Howard County's 12 public schools were honored. We invite you to view pictures from the event including photos of all award winners.

If you believe in our mission, we encourage you to donate to Conexiones. We are a registered 501(c)(3) organization.
Student Clubs
In order to nurture a positive ethnic identity and strengthen a sense of belonging, we support Hispanic youth clubs organized within the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS). These clubs build community, celebrate Hispanic heritage, foster academic achievement, and provide leadership experiences.
Conexiones lost a great friend on August 25, 2021. Our co-founder, Dr. Isidore Murray Simon, passed away at the age of 96. Murray and Reverend Walter Rodríguez co-founded Conexiones in 2000 to bring attention to the unique needs and talents of Hispanic students. Murray was a veteran of WWII, and a loving husband, father, and grandfather. He was a retired educator who spent 14 years of his career in five Latin American countries, serving as a resident advisor to the Ministries of Education of Colombia, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, El Salvador, and Guatemala. Conexiones was enriched by Murray as its first president from 2000 to 2007. We will be forever grateful for his service to Howard County Latinx students and this organization.
